Because we met them 3 times in 5 days.
Afraid if u do not know what's that, I shall explain a bit here.
My fm 特工队are the workers from My fm that travels around malaysia giving prizes or freebies
which at the same time to promotes some products and themselves.
Not to be excluded, they are the most famous chinese fm in Malaysia.
Yea, the Number One !
Last thursday after class, yuan teng told us about the 特工队 will be at the um bus stop near library at 1pm. Since we finish class at 12pm, we rush back to hostel and had our lunch. Then changed to contact lens(as we thought to take picture with them). One of us (not good to mention name) even changed her clothes to welcome the 特工队 .. HAHA.. But we were a bit late when we reach there, and most of the games were over which means the prizes have all been given away. We only manage to get some free stuff like Gardenia Buns and Revive Isotonic drink.
Then, on Friday. We decided to go to Mid Valley for fun. Yea, just for fun. Since we have no other better place to go to. We started off from UM at 5. But due to puasa time, the exit gate at the KL was super jam. And we only reach Mid Valley about 6 something. While on the car, we heard about the 特工队 will be at the Mid Valley's Kim Gary. So, We quickly park our car and rushed to meet them. However, we were still late and only manage to the same things ( buns and drink + one additional biscuit).
That's all for today, having super heavy flu right now.
Promise i will update for the freebies for sample when i have time. Stay tuned...
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